Jumat, 30 Oktober 2009

Bagiku persahabatan ialah hal yang indah yang kita dapatkan dalam kehidupan
seorang sahabat akan mengerti apa yang kita alami dan ia tau kapan ia harus menghampiri'y
Maka dari itu HARGAILAH PERSAHABATAN yang telah kita miliki saat ini,dan berusahalah untuk tetap bertahan HARI INI,ESOK DAN MASA DATANG....

Bagiku kini sahabat adalah sebagian dari detakan jantung...dan separuh dari Nafas yang terhembus.....
Sukses Selalu Untuk Kalian....
Doaku Selalu Menyertai XaN......
YoGaS & GiEnIe YoViE.......
SemOgA kEsUKsEsAN SeLalU KalIan RaiH....



Jumat, 09 Oktober 2009

Understanding the Qur'an

A discussion of the meaning of the Qur'an (Koran Ta'riful) includes a discussion of three parts: definition of the Qur'an, The names of the Qur'an, and the function or position of the Qur'an. Preamble   Understanding Muslims in general against the Qur'an is still partial (juz'i). It causes the Qur'an has not functioned as a whole and intact. Most people understand the Qur'an as a drug (Syifa) only, then they memfungsikannya merely as a healer. Thus, the Qur'an only close to people who are sick, dying or dead. And the Koran is more needed by the people healthy. Some others only understand the Qur'an as a book of readings greater reward. This limited understanding encourages people to feel satisfied after only reading the Qur'an. Pemungsian the Qur'an by a community is influenced by knowledge (Tashawur) and their perceptions of the Qur'an itself. This makes the introduction of the Qur'an becomes very important. 1. Understanding the Koran (Qur'an ta'riful) The scholars Qur'anic exegesis in the various books' Ulumul qur'an, in terms of language (or etymological lughowi) that the word of the Qur'an is a form of words mashdar of qoro'a - yaqro'uu - qiroo'atan -- qor'an wa - wa qur'aanan. The word means to collect and qoro'a together; the Qur'an is essentially a set of letters and words into one paragraph, set the verses to the letter, the set of letters to Mushaf Al-Qur'an. In addition, the majority of scholars say that the Qur'an with the root word qoro'a, meaningful Recitations: reading. Both these meanings can be combined into one, became "the Qur'an is a set of letters and words that can be read" The meaning of the Qur'an in ishtilaahi, the Qur'an is the Word of God Almighty who became the Prophet eternal miracle that could not matched by humans, descended into the heart of the Prophet Muhammad, was lowered into the next generation of mutawatir, when read berpahala value and great service "From the above definition there are five important parts: • The Qur'an is the word of Allah SWT (Surah 53:4), the revelation that comes from Allah, the Most Generous and the Supreme Court. So His Word (the Qur'an) was a noble and great, too, which must be treated with proper, decent, honored and respected. • Al-Quran is the miracle. Human beings would not be able to make that worth with the Qur'an, whether one Mushaf and only one paragraph. • Al-Qur'an was revealed to the Prophet himself through the angel Gabriel AS (Sura 26:192). Lesson to us is the Qur'an should enter into our hearts. Changes in human behavior is determined by the heart. If the heart is filled with the Qur'an, the Qur'an will encourage us to apply and memasyarakatkannya. This happened to saas Rasululullah, when the Qur'an was revealed to him. When A'isha asked about the morality of the Prophet Muhammad, he replied: khuluquhul kana qur'an; character of the Prophet is the Qur'an. • Qur'an mutawatir delivered. Qur'an memorized and written by many friends. Hereditary Qur'an is taught to the next generation, from person to person much more. In this way, the authenticity of the Qur'an is preserved, as a manifestation of God's assurance of immortality of the Qur'an. (Surah 15:9). • Reading the Qur'an is worth of worship, large berpahala Allah SWT. The Prophet said: "I'm not saying ALM one letter, but Alif one letter, one letter Lam, Mim one letter and a good value 10-fold" (al-Hadith). Ali ibn Abi Talib said: I heard the Messenger of Allah SAW said: "It'll happen fitna (chaos, disaster)" What a way out of temptation and chaos that O Messenger of Allah? The Apostle said: "The Book of God, where there is news about people before you, and the news people after you (which will come), is a law of you, so firmly, he who left the Qur'an by Allah will destroy it on purpose , and any who seek God's guidance on other than to mislead, the Qur'an is the rope of Allah is very strong, light of God's very clear, very wise warning, straight path, with the Qur'an will not lust distorted, her tongue will not mix with the wrong, human opinion will not be forked, and scholars would not feel satisfied and full with the Qur'an, devoted people will not get bored with it, the Qur'an will not wear out even repeated many, the magic will not be exhausted, when the genie heard mereke commented 'What we hear of the Qur'an is amazing', he who knows his knowledge he will arrive quickly to their destination, he who speaks with the foundation is always right, if any berhukum with fair laws, any who practice the Qur'an he will get the reward, if any one invited to the Qur'an he had given instructions to the straight path "(Tirmidhi from 'Ali ra) 2. The names of the Qur'an In the Qur'an there are many names of the Qur'an. Behind the name that we will understand the function of the Qur'an. • Al-Quran The most popular name is the Qur'an itself, Allah mentioned 58 times. The mention of it repeatedly as a warning to humans in order to enable the Qur'an as literature in order to get a clue in life (Sura 2: 185) • Al-Kitab That is, the written revelation. According to Sheikh Abdullah ad Diros, naming the al-Kitab shows that the Qur'an is written in Mushaf and should be embedded in the heart. The Prophet said: "People who in his heart was not an iota of the Qur'an, like a broken home" (al-Hadith) • Al-Huda That is, guidance (Sura 2:2). As a guide (al-Huda) is the main function of the revelation of the Qur'an (Sura 2:185). We can not make the Qur'an as a guide if we do not read and understand it, to remove it properly. • Rahmah Means of grace, especially for those who believe (Qur'an 17:82). • Nur A light means. The consequence of this understanding is to make the Qur'an as the light that illuminates our way of life (Sura 5:15-16). We saw the guidance of the Qur'an, then walked with the guidance it. • Spirit Mean spirit as the activator (Sura 16:2). Spirit moves the human body. With this name of Allah SWT wants the Qur'an can move the steps and human endeavor. Especially his role to give a warning to all mankind that there is no god but Allah. • Syifa ' Means a drug (Surah 10:57). The Qur'an is a liver disease from drug kejahiliyahan, polytheism, disbelief and hypocrisy. • Al-Haq Means the truth (Sura 2:147). • Parrot Means explanation or illumination (Sura 3:138; 2:185). • Mauizhoh Means lessons and advice (Sura 3:138). • dhikr Means that remind (Sura 15:9). • Naba ' Means the news (Surah 16:89). In the Qur'an contains the news the previous race and the people who will come. 3. Function and Position of the Qur'an The main functions of the Qur'an is the book of instructions (Kitaab guidance). In addition, the Qur'an also have functions other, among others: • Book news (An-Naba 'wal Akhbar) (Sura 78:1-2) • Book of laws and rules (al-Shari'ah hukmu wasy) (Sura 5:49-50) • Book struggle (Jihad Kitaab) (Surah 29:69) • Book of Education (Kitabut tarbiyyah) (Sura 3: 79) • Book of science (Kitaab 'Ilm) The position of the Qur'an in the Heart of a Muslim: Talk about what it felt like the Prophet Muhammad's Companions. and their view of the Qur'an that al-Qura'n get exalted position in their hearts that it was an impression on their heart so that the motivation in their deeds. Qur'an: The virtue, status and position as a source of Islamic law. The Qur'an is the word of God. Emerged from his substance in the form of words that can not be described. Revealed to His Messenger, in the form of revelation. Believers with faith believing that truth. They believe without a doubt, that the Qur'an is the word of God in truth. It was not his creation, saying things like, whoever heard and considered as a human word, is a kaafir. God Almighty. giving nature to him, as mentioned in his words: "And the Qur'an is a glorious book. can not come to (the Koran) both of falsehood before it or behind, the revelation from the Wise, the Praised". (Fushshilat: 41-42) In another verse Allah also mensifatinya by saying: "(This is) a Book which verses neatly arranged and described in detail derived from the (God) who is Wise, Knowing ". (Hud: 1). It Quranic verses are very meticulous and thorough, clear and detailed, which has been defined by the Most Wise, and which has been described by the omniscient. This book will continue to be a miracle of beauty in terms of language, laws, science, history and so on. Until God took back the earth and in it, will not have the slightest deviation and change to it, as evidence of the truth of the Word of God: "Verily We were the lowering the Koran, and We really keep it". (Al-Hijr: 9). The world as a whole has never obtained a book like the glorious Koran, which includes all good, and gives guidance to the straight path, and includes all the things that will be happy man. He said: "Verily this Qur'an provides guidance to the (road) which is more straight and give good news to those believers who do righteous deeds that for them there is great reward". (Al-Israa ': 9). The Qur'an was revealed to His Messenger, Muhammad. to save mankind from darkness to light. He said: "(This is) a Book We have revealed to you so that you remove people from darkness into light, with the permission of their Lord, (ie) to the Way of God the Almighty, the Praised One". (Ibrahim: 1). In the Qur'an, God has opened the eyes of the blind, deaf ears and hearts of the heedless. If read correctly, understood each letter and the verses, to understand in depth each sentence and the words, not out of limits, execute the commands in it, away from the restrictions, a certain character to what is prescribed, and applying the principles and values for himself, family and community, it will make Muslims feel safe, secure and happy in the world and the hereafter. He said: "Those whom We gave the Book to him, they read it with the actual reading, they were faithful to him". (Al-Baqarah: 121). Ibn Abbas said: "They were followed by real, justifies that have been lawful and forbid what is forbidden and has not menyelewengkannya than necessary". And Qatada said: "They are the friends of Muhammad. Faithful to the Book of Allah, and justify, justify the lawful and forbid what is unlawful and implement what is in it". The creature once the genie was very impressed when listening to reading the Qur'an; their hearts filled with love and respect for him, and they rush led his people to follow, as mentioned God in his word: and then they said: 'We have listened to the amazing Quran, ( a) provide guidance to the right path, and we believe in him. And we're not one would associate anyone with our Lord, and exalted be the Majesty of our Lord, He is not married and did not (all) children ". (Jin: 1-3). God had told him about them in the Qur'an: "They said: Our nation, indeed we have heard a Book (Al Quran) is revealed after Moses, who confirmed the books before it leads to truth and to a Straight Path. Our nation , accept (the call) calling people to God and believe in Him, He will forgive your sins and deliver you from a painful doom ". (Al-Ahqaf: 30-31). Therefore, this glorious book books surpass the previous divine. And his position was on the books. Allah says: "And the Qur'an is the parent Al-Kitab (Lauh Mahfuzh) on the side of us, is really high (value) and full of wisdom". (Az-Zukhruf: 4). And the word of God in another verse: "And We have sent down to the Koran with truth, confirming what was before, namely the books (which came before) and the touchstone of the books the others". (Al-Ma'idah : 48) Interpretation of the scholars said: "Al-Quran is more superior than the books of other celestial though all descended from God, with several things, including: the number of letters more than they have in all the books of others. It was mentioned in a hadith that the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. given the specificity with al-Faatihah letter and cover letter Al-Baqarah. In the Musnad Ad Darimi mentioned, from Abdullah bin Masud ra. He said: "Verily Assab'uthiwal (Seven long letter in the Qur'an; Al-Baqarah, Ali 'Imran, An-Nisaa', al-A'raf, Al-An'am, Al-Maa-idah and Jonah) just like the law, Al-Mi'in (The letters containing about a hundred verses more , such as Hud, Yusuf, Mu'min, etc.) just as the Psalms and the Al-Matsani (The letters containing fewer than a hundred verses. Like, Al-Anfal, Al-Hijr, etc.) equal to the book of Psalms. And the rest is extra. "Narrated by Imam Ahmad and Thabrani, from Wasilah ibn al-Asqa ', that the Messenger of Allah. Said:" It has been revealed to me that instead Assab'uthiwal there in the Torah. Lowered to Al Miin existing instead on the Psalms. Al Matsani lowered me there instead of the gospel, and I was given by Al Mufashshal additional (short papers). Assab'uthiwal, is from the beginning of surah Al-Baqarah until the end of surah Al-A'raf, which amounted to six letters. The scholars disagree about the letter to seven; Is surat Al-Anfal and Al-Bara'ah well as between the two are not separated with bismillah, it is considered one letter, or letter of Jonah? "Al-Mi'un" ie letters of verse about or more than one hundred. "Matsani" ie; the letters below the amount of one hundred verses. So called because the verses over and over again that there is more than in the mail that accumulated in sab'uthiwal and mi'un. While the definition of "Al-mufashal", is the letters shorter than the letters in the al-Matsani. The scholars disagree about the beginning of the letters; Some say that Al-Mufashal starts from the beginning letter of Ash-SHAFFAAT, other opinions say, starting from surat Al-Fat-h, and others argue, from surat Al-Hujurat , and there is also the opinion, from the letter Qaf. This opinion was confirmed by Al-Hafiz Ibn Kathir and Ibn Hajar. There are also opinions other than those mentioned above. However, scholars agree that the end of the last letter Mufashal is in the Koran. Among the benefits of the Qur'an, too, that God makes miracles contains language style, although other book also contains a miracle in terms of coverage of the Unseen and the laws, but the language style of casual, so from this aspect of the Qur'an is superior. This is suggested by the word of God: "And the Qur'an is the parent Al-Kitab (Lauh Mahfuzh) on the side of us, is really high (value) and full of wisdom". (Az-Zukhruf: 4) And the word of God: "You are the best people who are born to men". (Ali 'Imran: 110). Al-Hafiz Ibn Katheer in his book, the Quran Fadhailul (virtues Qur'an) pages :102-123, said: "This they achieved thanks to the glorious Qur'an, which God has been glorified by all the books that had revealed his and he made as a touchstone, an eraser and the closing of the books before, because all the previous books was lowered into the earth at once, while the Holy Quran revealed gradually in accordance with the events that occurred, in order to protect it and respect those who were given a revelation. Every time passage from the Koran down, as circumstances falling earlier books ". This noble book that has revealed a lot of scientific truth of the cosmos, in the verses that prove God's existence, power and His unity. Allah says: "And We made from water every living thing. Will they not also believe in"? (Al-Anbiya ': 30). Al Quran also suggested to use what can be perceived by the senses in the eyes of everyday life from God's creation, as it was said: "Say:" Behold all that is in heaven and on earth ". (Yunus, 101). And God said: "And He has subjected to you what is in the heavens and on earth it all, (the grace) than Him". Indeed, in that there really signs (of Allah) for those who reflect. (Al-Jaatsiah: 13). Muslims should study the natural sciences, and enjoy the benefits of the forces that are stored in the heavens and the earth. Lo talks about the Koran will not inexhaustible. Al Quranlah who advocated the Muslims to be fair and deliberation, and planted them against the tyranny and hatred arbitrary actions. Syiar the believer is the power of faith, not arrogant, solidarity and affection to be among them. Let us live by the Koran, read, understand, practice and memorization. Living with the Qur'an is the most praiseworthy deed, which should be done by the believers. He said: "Verily, those who always read the Book of Allah and pray and spend some of the sustenance which We have bestowed upon them secretly and openly, they were expecting commerce that will not lose money, in order to refine their God reward them and add to them from His bounty. Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Ready to appreciate ". (Faathir :29-30). In the two verses above, God advocated for people who read the Qur'an to be accompanied by reflection, which will lead to knowledge which in turn will lead to influence. No doubt that the influence of reading the Qur'an is to perform in the form of deed. Therefore God's deeds accompanied by reading the Qur'an in prayer, spend of the sustenance which God endowed with secretly and openly, and thus the people who read the Qur'an expecting that trade will not be lost. They know that the gift of God is better than what they infakkan. Because they hold a commercial in which God adding His gifts. Verily Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Thankful, forgive negligence, and thank you for the performance of duties. Therefore, we must always read the Qur'an with reflection and consciousness, so that they can understand the Qur'an in depth. When a reader of the Qur'an to find a sentence that has not been understood, should ask the people who have knowledge. He said: "So ask the people who have knowledge if you do not know". (An-Nahl: 43). Studying the Qur'an is necessary. Mentioned in a hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah ra. He said: Messenger of Allah. He said: "It is not a people gathered in a house of God, read the Book of Allah and studying it, but they will be deployed to peace, covered by grace, and surrounded by angels, and they will be referred to God before the people in side - His (the angels), and less charitable if any, can not be added by nasabnya. (Narrated by Muslim, 2699). Word of the Apostle in this hadith, "It is a people gathered in a house of God", "House" here is not the limit , as evidenced by a hadith narrated by Muslim the other says: "It is a remembrance of God's people, but will be covered by the angels ...." If gathered in other places, other than God's house (mosque), then those same virtues those who gathered at the mosque. Restrictions "in the house of God" in the hadith above, just because it was often used as a gathering place, but there is no necessity; Gather to read and study the verses of the Koran and its legal content, in any place will have the same virtue. As if gathered at the mosque to learn more excellent, it is because the mosque has the privilege and exclusivity that is not owned by the other place. Narrated by Ibn Masud ra. he said, the Messenger of Allah. He said: "He who read a letter from the Koran, then he will get good. Goodness is multiplied ten times. I do not say, ALM one letter, however, is the letter Alif, Lam letter, and Meem letter. (HR Tirmizi . Number: 3075). From Usman bin Affan ra. from the Prophet. he said; "The best among you are those who learn the Qur'an and teach it to others". (Bukhari). Number: 4739). This Hadith shows will be priority reading. Once Tsauri Sufyan was asked, what do you love those who fight or who read the Qur'an? He said, reading the Qur'an, because the Messenger of Allah. He said: "The best among you are those who learn the Qur'an and teach it to others". Imam Abu Abd Al-Sulami still teach the Koran for forty years in the grand mosque of Kufa because he had heard of this hadith. Every time he narrated this hadith, always said: "This is what put me in this chair". Al-hafiz Ibn Kathir in his book 126-127 pages Fadhail Quran says: [The purpose of the word of the Messenger of Allah. "The best among you are those who learn the Qur'an and teach to others" is, that these properties of the believers who follow and imitate the apostles. They've improved themselves and improve others. It was a combination of limited benefits for themselves and are contagious to others. He said: "Those who disbelieve and hinder (men) from the Path of Allah, We add to their torment over torture". (An-Nahl: 88). As word of God: "They forbid (people) listen to their own Qur'an and distanced themselves from it" (Al-An'am: 158). The most correct interpretation of this verse, two interpretations of the commentators is that, they forbade the people to follow the Qur'an, while they themselves were distanced themselves from him. They combine the lies and turn away, as the word of God: "Or that you (not) say:" Who is more unjust than those who deny the Signs of Allah and turn away from it? (Al-An'am: 157). Here's about the infidels is evil, while the believers the good and the choice is always trying to improve himself and improve others, as mentioned in the above hadith. He said: "Who is a better word than those who call to Allah, works righteousness and says:" Truly I am of those who have surrendered? ". (Fushilat: 33) This verse combines the appeal to God, good with azan or others, such as teaching the Qur'an, Hadith, jurisprudence and other referring to the good pleasure of God. and with pious deeds, and also said good speech]. God's grace will be delegated to the people who read the Qur'an and those who enforce the law, also include people who listen to his reading. He said: "Those who believe it is they who called the name of God when their hearts trembled, and when read to them the verses of his bertambahlah their faith (therefore) and to trust in their Lord, (that) the people who prayed and who spend of what We have given sustenance to them. That the people who believe the truth. They'll get some elevation on the side of their Lord and forgiveness, and provision (favor) a noble ". (Al-Anfal :2-4) Abdullah Ibn Masud ra. he said, the Messenger of Allah. said to me: 430 - Hadith history of Abdullah bin Masud ra. He said: Messenger of Allah. He said to me: Recite the Qur'an to me. I asked: O Messenger of Allah! I had to read the Qur'an to you, while the Qur'an was revealed is you? Messenger of Allah. He said: Surely I am happy to hear from people selainku. I then read a letter An-Nisaa '. When it comes to word of which reads: ÝóßóíúÝó ÅöÐóÇ ÌöÆúäóÇ ãöäú ßõáøö ÃõãøóÉò ÈöÔóåöíÏò æóÌöÆúäóÇ Èößó Úóáóì åóÄõáóÇÁö ÔóåöíÏðÇ (So how 'as infidels later ", if we bring a witness" apostle "from every nation and bring you" Muhammad "as witness against "your people"). He said: "Enough", and then I turned to him, suddenly I saw him shed tears. (Bukhari No. 4582, Muslim numbers: 800 and Abu Daud Number: 3668). Imam Nawawi said: [There are some things that can be learned from this hadith, among them: circumcision legal hearing Qur'an reading, contemplating, and cried when I heard it, and circumcision legal person asking another person to read the Holy Quran that he listened, and how this more stable and mentadabburi to understand the Qur'an, compared to reading alone]. Every Muslim should know the rights of the Qur'an; keep her chastity, commitment to the limits set by religion while listening to his reading, and the imitation of the Salaf (predecessors) in pious reading and listening. Indeed they are like the sun that illuminates and be exemplary in perfect humility and pervasive, believe the word of God: "And verily this Qur'an truly God sent down by the hosts, he was brought down by the Ar-Ruh Al-Amin (Gabriel), to in your heart (O Muhammad) so that you become one of the people who gave the warning, with a clear Arabic language ". (Ash-SYU'ARA :192-195). It is true, that the Qur'an, both pronunciation and meaning of the word of God, which is the system of the sky for all creatures, especially humans. In addition he is the main reference for religious affairs and the law prop. The laws contained within it is not revealed at once, but gradually reduced during the apostolic age; there is down to reinforce and strengthen the position of the Prophet., There was a fall to educate people just grow up and some are down by as daily events experienced by Muslims in places and times vary. Every time there is an event, go down the appropriate verses of the Koran and explain the law of God over the incident. Among these are the cases and events that occur in Islamic society, in the pensyariatan law, where Muslims want to know the law, then come down verses that describe God's law, such prohibition. Narrated by Imam Ahmad, from Abu Hurairah ra. he said, the Messenger of Allah. came to Medina and found people drinking, and eating from the gambling. Then they asked the Messenger of Allah. on the issue, then Allah revealed the verse: "They ask thee concerning wine and gambling. Say:" In them is great sin and some benefits for humans, but the sin of both is greater than the benefits ". (Al-Baqarah: 219) Then people saying: "No forbidden, only the second great sin". then they are still too many who drink alcohol (liquor), until one day, one of The immigrants led his friends on the Sunset Prayer. reading intervention mix with each other, so Allah revealed verses of the Koran is even harder than the previous verse: "O ye who believe, do not be prayer, are you drunk, so you understand what you say." (An-Nisaa ': 43). However, people still drink too much booze, until one to pray while drunk. Then came down the Qur'anic verse that even harder: "O ye who believe, in fact (drinking) alcohol , gambling, (sacrificing to) idols, raffle fate arrows are an abomination of the deeds of demons. So avoid acts in order that you may be successful ". (Al-Maa-idah: 90) They said: "We're not going to do it again, O God!" Then the people said: "O Messenger of many people who were killed in the way of Allah, or die on his bed, and they have to drink alcohol and eat from the gambling, while God has made both of them, an act that is unclean devil". Then go down the verse: "There is no sin for those who believe and do good works by eating foods that they eat first, if they fear Allah and believe, and do the practices of the devout, and they remain cautious and believe, then they (still too) cautious and do good. And Allah loves those who do good ". (Al-Maa-idah: 93) The Prophet said:" If they were previously forbidden, they will leave as well as you leave. ( Musnad Ahmad 2 / 251 and 252). In Sahih Bukhari, Hadith No. 4620, mentioned, from Anas bin Malik. He said: "I was never so penyuguh drink (alcohol) in the house of Abu Talha, and go down the liquor prohibition clause . Then diutuslah someone to call for this ban. Abu Talha said, "Come out and see if it sounds". Then I went out, and I said: "It has forbidden liquor". He said to me: "Go, and Pour". Anas said: "I went out and poured it. It was alcohol flowed in the streets of Medina." Anas said: "What kind of alcohol at the time was made from dates." Some people said: "There have been many who were killed, while the drink is in their bellies". He said, then come down the verse: "There is no sin for those who believe and do righteous deeds because of eating the food they had eaten before". From the above, we know that the ban on drinking alcohol (hard liquor) occurs in three stages, namely when it comes down surah Al-Baqarah: "They ask thee concerning wine and gambling. Say:" In them is great sin and some benefits for humans, but the sin is greater than both its benefits ". This paragraph contains a ban on drinking in a subtle way. So the left when it was just a group of people who rate them very high piety. Umar. said, O Allah, give a clear explanation of the legal drinking. Then go down the verse which reads: "O ye who believe, do not be prayer, are you drunk, so you understand what you say". Then the Muslims to avoid drinking it at times approached the prayer. Umar. said, O Allah, give a clear explanation about the liquor. Then go down surat Al-Maa-idah: "O ye who believe, in fact (drinking) alcohol, gambling, (sacrificing to) idols, raffle fate arrows are an abomination of the deeds of demons. So shun acts that in order you may be successful, that Satan intended to cause enmity and hatred among you because of (drinking) alcohol and gambling, and hinder you from remembering God and prayer; then stop you (from doing the job). That's when invoked and recited this verse 'Umar. said, "We stopped (from it)". Thus pensyariatan a gradual process, in which God purifies Muslims of customs contrary to the Islamic system, and equip them with the nature of the noble, such as forgiving, patient, affectionate, honest, respectful neighbors, to be fair and good deeds others. Only God alone who set laws for his subjects. He said: "Setting the law of God is just right. He declares the truth and He-Giving the best decision" (Al-An'am: 57). Shari'a is no other set except only for the good and human happiness, whether the wisdom contained in it was or was not. The Qur'an is the first source of Shari'a. The second source is the Sunna, and there is no dispute among the scholars that the Sunnah is an argument against the laws in addition to the Qur'an. He said: "O ye who believe, obey Allah and obey the Messenger (His), and ulil in authority among you. Then if you differ on anything, then return it to Allah (the Qur'an) and His Messenger (sunahnya), if you truly believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is more important (for you) and a better result ". (An-Nisaa ': 59). In another verse Allah says: "And We sent down to the Koran, so that you explain to mankind what has been revealed to them". (An-Nahl: 44). And the word of God: "What is given to the Apostles accept him. And what he forbids you then leave". (Al-Hashr: 7) Imam Ibn Qayimil Jauziah in his book "A'lamul Muwaqqi'in 'An Rabil Alamin", page , 263, describes the role of the sunna of the Koran, he said: "The role of the sunna of the Qur'an there are three: First: Has a mean equal to the Qur'an views from all sides. So each of the Qur'anic verses and prophetic traditions equally show that the law as included in the category of the law have more than one proposition. Second: Explain the meaning of the Qur'an and its interpretation. Third: Establish a legal, obligatory or unlawful, that is not found in the Qur'an. The role is not out of this and three not conflict at all between the Koran and the sunna. Therefore, the sunna affirmed a law of the Koran, he sometimes interprets the Qur'anic text or describing the law succinctly described in the Qur'an, and even set a law that is not mentioned in the Qur'an. However, the sunna not set a law, except when in the Koran is not discovered the law in question. Sunahlah who explained to us,-that Muslims are obliged to pray five times a day is night, it is also known number of cycles in prayer and harmony-rukunnya, explaining the nature of charity, and where and how nisabnya distributed. And the sunna are also explaining to us the ways Hajj and Umrah, and the obligatory pilgrimage only once in a lifetime, and he also explained about miqat-miqat pilgrimage, Zamani and Makani (time and place) and the number of revolutions taw. So for those who only hold the Koran by leaving the sunna, should immediately renew his faith and soon returned to God Almighty. Allah says: "And verily I am Forgiving to those who repent, believe, work righteousness, and then remained on the right path. (Taha: 82). Qur'an and the Sunna, are both God's revelation to His Messenger, and the two sources of Islamic law that returns humans to nature, and make people know the way of life. He said: "Praise be to Allah who guides us to (heaven) this. And we're not one to be guided if God did not give us guidance." (Al-A'raaf: 43).

How much to pay for computer repair services | NYC Computer Repair ...

It’s a dreaded event for many computer owners – the day their computer conks out, refuses to work normally or simply resigns. Not only is this a huge inconvenience and a cause for concern due to the potential loss of data (imagine all that hard work gone in an instant), having a computer fixed can cost money. If you’re worried about how much you’ll pay in case you need computer repair services, here is a short guide to help give you an idea about the kind of cost you can expect:
In most cases, expect to be charged hourly rates.Some computer repair services charge a fee based on the type of work done. In general, though, you will probably be charged by the hour. It will also be the technician who will determine the number of hours it will take to fix your computer.
So if he charges $30 an hour for a 2-hour repair, you’ll have to shell out $60 – that is, as long as the job gets done in 2 hours. Just in case it takes him far longer than that, you’ll have no choice but to pay more. If there are software or hardware to be installed, you might also have to pay additional charges for these.
To avoid getting overcharged by a slow-moving technician, always ask if what they’re charging is the full cost for your computer’s repair. It’s also wise to ask for guarantees. This will provide you a measure of protection after the repair has been completed. It will also help if the computer repair service offers a no-fix-no-fee guarantee. That way, if they fail at fixing your computer’s problem, you don’t have to pay for anything.Consider computer repair services by remote.There are companies that can fix your computer by hooking up to it online. They can fix your problems by remote and you can even monitor the progress in real time. These services can be very helpful only if your computer problems are software-related. They’re also quite affordable, charging fees that start from around $39.
Some repairs are costlier than others.
When it comes to computer repairs, the cost can be relative. It will depend on the extent of the repair required for the job, how many hours it would take to complete it, what types of hardware or software will be needed and to some extent, who does the fixing.
Simple checkups, diagnostics, installation and/or reinstallation, for example, can cost from a measly $25 to about $150 per hour. The low-end figure is usually for the most basic work done while higher figures are for more extensive repairs.
A caveat: there is a saying that holds true in computer repair services – at least, most of the time: ‘You get what you pay for’. Computer repair technicians are well-trained individuals. Not only that, they also run a business and that business often requires that they buy insurance, not just as a protection for themselves but also for their clients.
This is why you get computer repair services that don’t charge much and computer repair services that charge quite a bit. Frequently, the higher-end service is the one that is insured and offers an accompanying guarantee. Check the cheaper repair services and you’ll find that they offer neither insurance nor guarantee.
If you’re worried about how much to pay when looking for computer repair services, take these things into consideration. That way, you’ll be better able to make the right decision.

Golden Computer Service

Golden Computer Service
Golden Computer Service provide all information about computer service, like how to fix a computer, online computer support, computer hardware repair, home computer repair, and laptop computer repair. And more..
Added on: Oct 5th, 2009
Country: United States
Language: English

Author: Lo Kia San
Listed in: Computers Computer Security
Tags: computer repair technician online computer support home computer repair computer hardware repair laptop computer repair computer repair companies

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Computer repair by Markham Computer Repair

Computer repair by Markham Computer Repair Services
One of the big issue in Computer repair and Laptop repair field when the people do not have enough experience how to deal with Computer problems.
People use the Computer every day, surf the internet, work on some application, chat or play games. The problem comes when they do not know what to do if they get any Computer problem.In Toronto, Ontario, people work long hours, when they get home, they want to use the internet and the computer without thinking this computer needs maintenance and repair.They start thinking when the Computer won’t start; Computer shutting down automatically, Computer boot Problems, Computer shows the blue screen of Death, Virus or spyware, Computer is very slow.That time they cannot do anything, because they did not prepare for this day before.Usually, one of the thing people try to do, is to search for Computer repair or Laptop repair in Markham. Such as Markham Computer Repair Services:http://toronto-computer-repair-services.oylist.com/Markham-Computer-Repair-Services.html
there are more than 1000 Computer repair service in Toronto GTA. The problem most of the people do not know how to choose the right Computer repair company. Some people prefer the cheapest one, and some of them think the most expensive company would be the best one.It’s Not Necessary the expensive one to be the best one, if you pay only for the name, you may not find the good service you expect. Some of the cheapest computer repair Companies provide very good service better than the big names. You need to find first what you are looking for.The best Computer repair Companies in Toronto especially the Onsite Computer service or house calls which they provide onetime service and warranty after they finish the work.People should ask about the service from A to Z, not just the fees, also should ask if the technician is certified and what kind of certification he has.http://toronto-computer-repair-services.oylist.com/Markham-Computer-Repair-Services.html
Markham Computer Repair Services, one of the best Computer repair and Laptop repair Companies in Toronto Area. I really recommend this onsite service for home users or business owners. They provide Computer repair in Toronto, Mississauga, Etobicoke, Scarborough, North York, Brampton Richmond Hill, and Markham. http://toronto-computer-repair-services.oylist.com/Markham-Computer-Repair-Services.html
For more information call Richmond Hill Computer Repair Services and we will come and diagnose problems with your computer at no cost to your home or place of your business. 1- 24 Hour Service (800) 495-0979
Posted in Richmond Hill Computer Services.
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By admin – October 3, 2009
« Computer Repair Services at Your Fingertips Richmond Hill Computer Repair Services want to help since Computer repairs are very common in Richmond Hill households as well as in small business offices. »

Computer repair by Markham Computer Repair

Computer repair by Markham Computer Repair Services
One of the big issue in Computer repair and Laptop repair field when the people do not have enough experience how to deal with Computer problems.
People use the Computer every day, surf the internet, work on some application, chat or play games. The problem comes when they do not know what to do if they get any Computer problem.In Toronto, Ontario, people work long hours, when they get home, they want to use the internet and the computer without thinking this computer needs maintenance and repair.They start thinking when the Computer won’t start; Computer shutting down automatically, Computer boot Problems, Computer shows the blue screen of Death, Virus or spyware, Computer is very slow.That time they cannot do anything, because they did not prepare for this day before.Usually, one of the thing people try to do, is to search for Computer repair or Laptop repair in Markham. Such as Markham Computer Repair Services:http://toronto-computer-repair-services.oylist.com/Markham-Computer-Repair-Services.html
there are more than 1000 Computer repair service in Toronto GTA. The problem most of the people do not know how to choose the right Computer repair company. Some people prefer the cheapest one, and some of them think the most expensive company would be the best one.It’s Not Necessary the expensive one to be the best one, if you pay only for the name, you may not find the good service you expect. Some of the cheapest computer repair Companies provide very good service better than the big names. You need to find first what you are looking for.The best Computer repair Companies in Toronto especially the Onsite Computer service or house calls which they provide onetime service and warranty after they finish the work.People should ask about the service from A to Z, not just the fees, also should ask if the technician is certified and what kind of certification he has.http://toronto-computer-repair-services.oylist.com/Markham-Computer-Repair-Services.html
Markham Computer Repair Services, one of the best Computer repair and Laptop repair Companies in Toronto Area. I really recommend this onsite service for home users or business owners. They provide Computer repair in Toronto, Mississauga, Etobicoke, Scarborough, North York, Brampton Richmond Hill, and Markham. http://toronto-computer-repair-services.oylist.com/Markham-Computer-Repair-Services.html
For more information call Richmond Hill Computer Repair Services and we will come and diagnose problems with your computer at no cost to your home or place of your business. 1- 24 Hour Service (800) 495-0979
Posted in Richmond Hill Computer Services.
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By admin – October 3, 2009
« Computer Repair Services at Your Fingertips Richmond Hill Computer Repair Services want to help since Computer repairs are very common in Richmond Hill households as well as in small business offices. »


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Computer Hardware Sales & Services ...

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Senin, 05 Oktober 2009

Itulah yang saat ini menjadi perbincangan dikalangan semua pihak.seluruh orang ingin tau apa yang ada dalam lap top sang Gembong itu,banyak orang beranggapan kalau Noordin M.top telah membuat sebagian orang salah arah dalam mengartikan Jihad dalam Islam. apa sebenarnya yang terjadi????
Ada apa dengan indonesia,Kenapa penuh dengan aksi teror....
???itulah yang harus kita pikirkan bersama.sebagai bangsa indonesia yang memiliki rasa toleran harusnya kita bisa untuk saling berfikir bersama.ibarat tangan sakit maka mata menangis dan apabila mata menangis tanganpun mengusap...
hal itulah yang harus kita lakukan saat ini untuk dapat menghilangkan aksi tersebut.dengan kita bisa saling toleran satu dengan yang lain maa hal itu pasti akan hilang dengan sendirinya....
selama ini banyak perbedaan,pertentengan,perselisihan dan juga perasaan saling menyalahkan.haruskah itu berlanjut hingga negara ini hancur?????

ciptakan itu semua dari yang paling kecil...
Pendidikan,Pemantauan orang tua terhadap anak,pergaulan,dan juga hubungan yang baek antar lingkungan.....

jayalah negeriku,bangkitlah bangsaku...
Allah Hu Akbar....
Allah Hu Akbar....
Allah Hu Akbar.....

Allah Maha Besar.............

Minggu, 04 Oktober 2009

sukses dari yang terkecil


Ya...kata itulah yang paling pas untuk seseorang yang ingin SUKSES,karena engan sering mengingat hal itu,maka kita akan tergerak untuk bekerja lebih giat dan tentunya dengan lebih maksimal.
ada beberapa hal yang bisa membuat seseorang itu mencapaisuatu kesuksesan dengan cara yang amat singkat cepat dan mudah bagaimana caranya??????
1. mau belajar dari hal yang paling kecil.
2. SKSD,dengan tujuan memperbanyak mitra kerja dan relasi.
3. kerja keras.
4. percaya diri dengan apa yang ada dalam diri sendiri.
5. tidak muah putus asa dalam mencapai kesuksesan. itu merupakan beberapa cara untuk mencapai kesuksesan.selamat mencoba.....